Wow it's been an adventure for sure this past week. I am so happy to finally be in the mission field! I like Piura so much better than Lima. It's a lot calmer and the people truly are the sweetest people in the world! Ahh I don't know how to explain anything, there is too much to say. First off I have an hour every week to email, which means I don't have a ton of time to respond to all of you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't write me because I can take pictures of your emails and read it later ;)
Anyways. My companion is Hermana Rivera. She is 21 and is from Lima! I feel sooo blessed to be with her. She is so patient and kind to me. I knew this part of the mission would be a rude awakening and it has been. The CCM was really a walk in the park. I have faith though that I will get this language thing and know how to do this mission stuff.
PIURA. Oh I do love it here! I am in Piura, Central. So I am not right on the coast, but I walk in sand all day wearing my sombrero, sunglasses, sunscreen, bug repellent and all. It is soooo hot. I sweat just brushing my teeth! no joke. I say Buenos Dias,Tardes,Noches to every person I see. They usually say it back. And then we get whistled at. Fun Stuff! The part I am in is just a bunch of neighborhoods with sandy streets. Kids play soccer in the streets and motos roam everywhere. Occasionally I see a donkey roaming the streets. My pensionista is the bishops wife. She is so sweet. But feeds us like we are pigs. Everyone here eats a ginormous lunch and then for dinner and breakfast they just eat fruit. So I have one meal a day but I am full all day! They fill have of my plate with rice! Im gonna be gordita real soon ;)
I am getting the hang of things but I am so clueless. I just follow my comp around, but neither one of know anything about the area haha. We are the first sister missionaries in this area!! This past week we've been visiting members, non members, and trying to find investigators. Currently we have three investigators. Seriously anyone and everyone will talk to you and let you in. They are SO NICE. Much nicer than Americans. And so humble. One of our invesitgators is named Abel. He is so cute. He is a little old man who paints all day. Whenever I speak his eyes go really big hahaha I think it's because he can't understand a word I say.
Church was a different experience yesterday. I bore my testimony, while dogs roamed the chapel.
Well I am the ward piantist. They have never had a pianist so they sing wayYY OFF--- It was difficult to say the least. I just have to follow whatever word they are saying because whatever they are singing is something different. They asked me to teach piano lessons to the little ninos in the ward. Any tips???? I don't even know how to teach piano in English. oh joy!
I can't collect my thoughts right now sorry. I hope this was somewhat enjoyable-understable. I love you all!! My mission president (whom I love by the way) said to us over and over again YOU DID NOT COME HERE TO FAIL. And I know none of us are on this earth to fail. Keep your head up!!
Te Amo
Hermana Stringham